Where the Sick Get Sicker and the Sane Are Driven Mad: Behind Bars
The Madness of American Incarceration
By Christine Montross

When Christine Montross approached the end of her residency program in psychiatry, she met with a mentor for help evaluating two attractive job opportunities. Ignoring both options, her adviser raised the possibility of a third: “What about the prisons?” Montross balked at this unsolicited, unwanted suggestion. She deemed it an imprudent, even absurd use of her training, given the nation’s dearth of psychiatrists and broad demand for mental-health services. “Why would I want to work in the prisons?” Montross wondered. “Why devote my time and attention to people who had committed crimes when there were so many innocent people who needed care?”
Read the full story here: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/21/books/review/waiting-for-an-echo-christine-montross.html?action=click&module=Features&pgtype=Homepage